Stupid Vows You Shouldn’t Say in Your Marriage. For Better For Worse, Which Worse?
I have gone to tons of weddings and in all of them, almost every speaker says, “You know marriage is not easy.” They affirm this with vehemence and enthusiasm. Well, they forget that back in hell, the devil is undressing to a jacuzzi asking Judas to hand him over the cigar and some bottle of wine. We have made the devil’s work so easy by pushing his agenda. We say things simply because we hear other people saying them. A child of God would wonder why they are not making it in life oblivious of the things they prophesied in their life. A study has shown that Christians have the highest divorce rate. Of about 55% married Christians, about 12% of them get divorced. All this was brewed in their wedding day when their pastors set them up for destruction. When you attend a Christian wedding as a bachelor today, it is more likely that you will remain single forever. All your aunties will preach how marriage is not easy and the way they have struggled to live with their husbands. God will t...