If Your Church Has a Sermon Calendar, Just Watch Netflix At Home
Some guy went to a man of God for healing and after he got what we wanted he chose to stay in the fellowship because he felt God potent there. Shortly after, he started asking if the fellowship was a real church because they didn’t meet on Sundays. He felt different because he was used to attending ‘Real Church’ and not mere fellowships. He was used to a man of God who constantly warned him about sin and ensured that there is inclusivity. He was used of different sermons; some about increase, some about lack, others about being alert about the devil, some about curses, others about how to avoid sin etc. In this fellowship, all he heard was about goodness, increase and favor year in year out. He also wasn’t comfortable with the man of God smiling and joking a lot. He believed that the word of God should be treated with dignity and that the man of God should have a serious stern face. This man advised the man of God that his sermons should be balanced, that he should accommodate diffe...