This is Why Most Dreams Get Killed in Religious Institutions
I have seen people live very miserable lives for decades. Apparently, they go to church every Sunday, they engage in all church activities, they wake up every day at 3am to pray, they fast a lot and give their all in service. Growing up as a kid, I have continuously asked men why that was so. Most people told me that God designed it that way because their true riches are in heaven. It was constantly preached to me that one has to be poor in this world to gain in heaven and that the scriptures say, “In this world you will face tribulation.” I have seen people being born poor, living poor and dying poor. I have witnessed people doing the same things expecting different results. They cling to the hope that one day their enemies will be astonished by their success. It has always been about God vindicating them before their enemies. Religious institutions; just even look at the name. They are mere man-made institutions. They are structured built by men who expect that God will now come. ...